How to Edit a Reporting Unit Rollup

To view or edit the details of a reporting unit rollup, click its name in Reporting Unit Rollups list view. You can make any or all of the following changes to a rollup:

Editing the Properties of a Rollup

In step 1 of Edit Reporting Unit Rollup, you can only make the following change to its properties:

Editing the Mapping of a Rollup

In step 2 of Edit Reporting Unit Rollup, you can make the following changes to its mapping:

  1. Select them in the Reporting Units pane and then drag them to the specific entity in the Entities pane under which they should roll up in a master trial balance. Once the reporting units are mapped, they will be grayed out in the Reporting Units grid to indicate that they are no longer available for mapping.
  2. Click Save.
  1. Click Import at the top of the Reporting Units pane. The Open dialog of the Windows Explorer tool is displayed.
  2. Select the .xlsx or .xls file of reporting unit-to-entity mapping that you want to import in the Open dialog of the Windows Explorer tool and click Open. If the import of mapping relationships is successful, the message Success: Imported Successfully will display in a green banner across the top of the view, and the mapping relationships will have been transferred to the rollup, saving you the time of having to do this mapping manually. Otherwise, an error message will display to indicate a failure of the import.
  3. If the import is successful, then click Save.

Note: .xlsx and .xls files of reporting unit-to-entity mapping must be based on the required import template. If you need to get the template to create a file of mapping relationships, click Download Import Template on the grid and then follow the Requirements for Template-based Imports discussed in Data Import and Export.

  1. Point your cursor to a reporting unit in the Reporting Units grid that you want to unmap. A tooltip displays the entity in the Entities grid to which it is mapped.
  2. In the Entities grid, expand the entity to which the reporting unit is mapped and the reporting unit should appear beneath the entity.
  3. Under the expanded entity, point your mouse to the reporting unit that you want to remove. A red X is displayed to the left of the reporting unit.
  4. Click the red X to remove the reporting unit from the entity. Once removed from the entity, the reporting unit will no longer be grayed out in the Reporting Units grid, and will be available for mapping once again.
  5. Click Save.